Can I customize equipment to my needs?

Miller Weldmaster offers a variety of solutions for you based on the material used, production, and end product. Easily customize accessories

We sell a wide range of different standard machines with different technologies for specific uses.  Usually, even our standard machines can be built for specific needs. However, we also have the capability to custom-tailor any machine from scratch for your specific production outputs.

What are some items I can customize?

  • Accessories
    • Every machine comes with a kit based on the model of the machine you purchase.
      • For example: if you purchase a Triad Awning, your kit will come equipped with the proper guides, and tools to do any type of awning you may want
    • Guides, tools, and tables can be purchased ala-carte
      • You can purchase a guide that may not come with your machine
  • Physical Machine
    •  Miller Weldmaster has an in-house engineering and design department that is here to help you with designing the machine to fit your specs if a standard machine will not do. 
  • Programming
    • We have in-house control engineers and programmers to help make edits and weeks to the HMI and PLC operating systems as needed.